Support SA Buy Local – F&B recipient of the week – Sally George

Support SA Buy Local – F&B recipient of the week – Sally George

Sally came to us in 2013. She was a Cheesemaker on Kangaroo Island and absolutely loved her job. She had already started making new styles of cheese with the entire range of cheeses and yoghurt made from sheeps milk and with the Australian sheep dairy industry in Australia being small she wanted to have the knowledge to help make it grow.. Her funding was be used to travel to Artisan Cheese Making Academy Australia and complete a Certificate III Food Processing (Cheese).

Unfortunately for Sal (and SA) the cheese production facility on the Island closed. We are very proud of Sal and all she achieved and are sure there is something great ahead for her.

As some of our recipients have learnt, dreams don’t always come true despite how much hard work you throw at them but what matters is that you really tried. Destroyed dreams don’t remove you from being a valued and respected member of our F&B community, we have got your back.