Support SA Buy Local – F&B recipient of the week – Emma Clark

16 years ago this week F&B was launched with one of our first recipients being the lovely Emma Clark.
Emma was at that time a Woodcroft College student who was completing a School Based Apprenticeship in Baking. She won the 2006 South Australian School Based Apprentice of the year, followed by her attendance at the National Training awards, where she was the recipient of the inaugural Stella Axarlis Australian School-based Apprentice of the Year award 2006. Emma is no longer in the baking sector as she has chosen to redirect her passion into working as a healthcare professional.
Although many things have changed over the last 16 years the one thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to assisting passionate talented people and helping them reach their full potential. 262 recipients and $1.2M – people and numbers we are incredibly proud of.