With an interest in baking and patisserie Mimi taught herself with the help of Youtube videos, and commenced her home baking career in 2016.
Annie has a specific interest in cake baking, particularly those for celebratory occasions and will be completing the Cert III Patisserie at TAFE SA Regency.
Alec is keen to develop his brewing knowledge and practices along with works production and processes.
Emily has a scientific background having graduated from Uni SA with a Bachelors degree in Pharmaceutical science.
Paul has run Beer No Evil for 4.
Berenice is currently working at Dandelion Vineyards, Heirloom Vineyards and Sisters Run in Mclaren Vale and is dedicated to driving growth and shaping the future of the wine industry.
Award winning Chef Melanie Gowers has a passion for Patisserie and enjoys the creative side of working in this area.
Nathan has grown up with a passion for food, fermentation and food science.
With a background in wine but a long held passion for craft beer, Ben decided to make the switch and follow his passion to commercial brewing.